Skegga's Edda, Chapter 11, Battle with the Vans

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After Gullveig's visit to Godhome, many of the Osfolk grew to fear and mistrust the mysterious Vans.  Thor avoided their territories when he rode about the Outlands.   Odin spoke to the warriors who held him as a friend in Middle Garth and told them of the Vans' wicked ways.  At his encouragement, many a raid was made in Middle Garth against the Van-loving menfolk.  Though satisfying, such retaliation made all the Osfolk uneasy.  It was a surprise to none when Heimdall blew his horn in warning.  The urgent message was passed that a throng of Vanfolk was approaching.

The men of the Osfolk and the battle trained Oswives pulled on their mail and gathered up swords and spears and stout ash shields.  They leapt onto their horses and rode hard for the Heavensmount gate.  Thor stood in the gate's middle to steady the line with a net of stone missiles at his feet and one ready in his hand.  On either side the Osfolk stood firm behind their shields, spears ready in hand.  There were the soul seeking oswives Skuld, Hlin and Gna; Odin, Tyr, Villi, Ve, Hoenir, Loki, Mimir and Borr of Battlehall; Ull and Ulf of Yewdale; Heimdall of Heavensmount, and reluctant Meilli of Stronghome.  The remaining Oswives and farmfolk gathered close behind.  

'What is woven in Wyrd?' Thor whispered to his sister Skuld.
'Changes are woven, but no death, no bloodshed' she answered.

Heimdall, his sight surpassing the eagles, frowned as he gazed at the approaching Vans.  As the newcomers came closer his fellow Osfolk gasped with surprise and disgust. The Vanfolk bore no weapons, many walked naked as new born babes while others sported green skin and flowing silver hair unknown in Middle Garth.   The Osfolk who remembered the games of Gullveig felt fear stir in their hearts, for these were the Vans, and their spellcraft surpassed that of even the trollwives. Thor frowned, wondering why Jord's protective fire, that still flickered across the bridge's road, did not burn them.  Why did the weaving of Wyrd foretell no death this day?  He shifted his grip on the stone uneasily.   The newcomers' spokesman, an elder with long silver locks and a cloak of gull feathers came forward. He halted four spear lengths before the bridge's end and addressed the Osfolk in a loud confident voice.

'I am Njord, Nertha's child and father to the house of the Vans. We come to demand settlement on harm done to our folk in Middle Garth.'
'Then speak' answered Heimdall.
'I will.  I speak of a tribe defeated in battle, every life destroyed, every homestead burnt, every wife raped and every thing of worth broken and hurled in a marsh. All this was done in the names of Tyr and Odin, let them come forward and offer payment for this outrage!'

Tyr laughed 'Those folk deserved to lose all! They fought with the skill of drunken grandmothers. They are well gone and our tribes will keep their lands, and any other lands that are so badly defended.'
'Such an attitude will only lead to war between our folk' Njord warned.
'So it be' replied Odin. 'Go and fetch your arms and we will fight, and then we will see who will be in debt.'
'We came ready for battle' Njord replied coldly.

'Then die well!' said Odin.  He hurled a spear high above Njord's head so it landed among the throng of the Vans, its head embedded in the fiery surface of the bridge. The Osfolk clashed their swords against the shieldwall bellowing their battlecries and bracing for the attack.  But no warriors came forward from the ranks of the Vans. A man and woman stepped out of the crowd, both naked and matched in height with the same yellow - golden hair. The man was a handsome fellow, with a rampant manhood that would give a horse pride.  The woman had curves which sparked reluctant desire in every male among the Osfolk. The couple linked hands and started to chant softly, the unfamiliar words grew louder until the air rang with deafening song. The ground in the god's garth shuddered and the great boulders and timbers of Godhome's gate tumbled down from the defences. The golden couple advanced on the horrified Osfolk, now feeling vulnerable without their sheltering walls.

Thor leapt forward intent on stopping whatever witchery the Vans planned.  Wyrd might stay him from shredding blood, but he could still wrestle this pair to the floor.  He shouted 'No! I can't let you do this...'  The woman glanced at the desperate thundergod. With a single word she halted him, her magical power grappled with Thor's mind and with a brief tortured cry he collapsed unmoving at her feet. The god's scream was echoed by his loyal Sigyn.  Uncaring of the danger and with tears streaming down her cheeks she rushed through the gap in the shieldwall to his side, and struggled in vain to revive him.

'How dare you?' accused Odin. 'How can you fight with such unmanly arts, have you no sense of decency?'
'Spellcraft is considered honourable among my people, as might is amongst yours' replied Njord.
'Pah!' Odin retorted.  'How can you say this?  Witchery is the resort of the lowest of woman, and no greater shame could such women know, even if they were to bed their own kin.'
'But we do bed our own kin, and our women are hardly humble ditchwives, the pure blood of Mother Nertha yields excellent stock.'

While all attention was on Odin and his caustic reply, Tyr crept from his place in the sheildwall, by the wall's ruins, leaving Villi to hold his shield in place. A young Van woman stood alone on the edge of the bridge and Tyr was eager to improve his kin's ailing position. Striking quickly he put his knife to the girl's throat and dragged her back to the Osfolk shieldwall. 'One more spell from you bastards and she's dead' he cried.

Njord frowned 'So you want to take hostages do you? Very well.' He leant down and pulled Sigyn upright, restraining her in his strong arms. 'You treat Beyla well if you want to see these two again. We will return when you are prepared to discuss terms.' Vans came forward and lifted the witless thundergod to their shoulders, and the whole gathering of Vanfolk turned their backs on Godhome.

The Osfolk lowered their shields and sheathed their untried swords.  They were quiet and sullen at their defeat.  However great their sword skill the warriors were helpless against such magic as the Vans had used. Bitterly angry, Odin paced over to the captured Van girl, who still had Tyr's knife pressed against her throat. 'Well girl, can you work magic?' The girl returned his gaze, any fear she felt for the Osfolk was well hidden. She nodded once. Odin swore 'Wonderful, now were have a hostage who needs watching night and day! Loki!' The trickster god came forward nervously 'Think you can keep a girl restrained?' Odin asked, his contempt clear.
'I hope so' Loki replied.
'Then take her out of my sight. Mind you stay awake until your watch is relieved.'

Loki led the girl to his chambers in rambling Battlehall. He wasted no time in admiring the naked Van walking beside him, noting with delight her firm high breasts, lithe curves and wispy silver-blond hair. Beyla followed Loki into his rooms and stopped in surprise. A large table crowded the first room cluttered with models made of timber, cloth, leather and twine. There were tiny boats, war catapults and even a jointed bird figure so carefully made it looked as if it could take flight. All around sheets of calf-skin were scattered, covered in neat sketches, symbols and tally marks. The walls bore shelves of all manner of artefacts from sculptures to sea shells and deep stacks of scrolls. Loki grinned as Beyla's darting eyes struggled to take in the scene.

'Strange,' she commented 'somehow I was expecting piles of weapons and a couple of troll heads nailed to the wall. You don't seem much like the other Osfolk.'

'I am not' Loki responded.  'So don't try any of you magic on me, because I will retaliate in kind.' He cleared space on the table and fetched two drinking bowls and a jug of Frigga's wine. 'So how do Vanwives like to pass the time - when you are not humbling war gods?'

He poured the wine and Beyla took her cup gratefully. 'I like to be with my bees and honey vats: I make all the mead for the Vanfolk.'

'Well there are no bees in here' said Loki 'so what do you do when you are not working?'

'I dance with the elf folk, sing love charms and sard' Beyla replied simply. Loki stared, that was not a word he had ever heard in Godhome.  The women of the Osfolk were never so blunt on that subject.
'What are love charms?' asked Loki.
'They are poetry, songs and spells combined: they are sung before sarding to make the men hard and the women eager.'
'I wish you could demonstrate' sighed Loki, 'but I am supposed to be guarding you.'
'I could swear not to try and escape' Beyla suggested.
Loki considered, but not for long. 'Very well, swear that you will not use your magic to escape me, and may the manhood of every Van you love never rise again, if you deceive me.'

Beyla frowned and sat in silence. Loki feared he had asked too much, but she did answer him. 'I can see it would be in the interests of peace between our folk. So I will oblige you.' She repeated the oath with all due seriousness. 'Are you ready?' Loki nodded eagerly. 'You must surrender yourself to me' cautioned Beyla.  'Open your mind and your loins to me and do not resist.' Loki agreed, already aroused.  Beyla sang, her poem oddly harsh with its coarse words but skilfully worked nevertheless. The first stanzas awoke her own body: she caressed her skin as she sang, shuddering with awakened passion. Then her song called to Loki.  Unprepared for the magic's power he cried out as each word tore at his very being, lust-longing filling him like the blade of a burning sword and he wept for wanting her. She straddled him and plunged down, and sang of the union of man and woman, of two becoming one. Loki suddenly became aware of Beyla's own feelings as well as his own and felt an overwelming rush of sensations, both male and female together. Humbled by pleasures never known, Loki sank into a sea of passion.


Thor stirred, his head groggy, and groaned.  Sigyn gripped his arm 'Are you well?' she asked, full of concern.
'I think so' the thundergod muttered. 'Where are we?'
'They brought us to Elfhome by magic.  Take care, we are surrounded by them' she whispered. Thor gazed blearily around. They both sat on a thick felt rug in the centre of a forest clearing. Around its outskirts Vanfolk sat attentively watching them in a great circle.  There were twelve of them, men and women, most of them were naked. The woman who had broken the walls of Godhome saw he was awake and walked over to speak to the Osfolk.

She introduced herself: 'I am Freya, the Lady of the Vans, I can speak for my people.'
'You must release me!' Thor growled, 'I am needed to defend Middle Garth against the trolls and black-hearted ettins!'
Freya was not intimidated by the angry thundergod.  'Has it not occurred to you that Beyla might be equally missed here?'
'Beyla? Who is Beyla?'
'The hostage taken from us by the Osfolk. We carried you back with us to ensure her safety, otherwise you would still be in Godhome. You are not returning until peace has been agreed.'
'Oh.' Thor's rage subsided slightly.
'We need you to help make the peace between the Osfolk and the Vans. If you do this, maybe you can return, but as things stand you are not stirring from this spot.'
'And who is going to stop me leaving if I do not agree?'
'I am' Freya replied smugly. 'Or need I remind you of my powers of persuasion?'

Thor remembered the burning pain, his last memory of the battle at Godhome's gate. His tender mind still ached.  He surveyed the clearing: each of the Vanfolk surrounding him was poised and watchful, ready to render him unconscious at any threat. Humbled, the thundergod sulked. 'Using magic against a warrior, that isn't fair play.'
'Do you see any weapons here?' asked Freya.
'No' Thor replied, 'and not many clothes either.'
'How do you think your ways of war appear to us? You who stride through your foes with slashing blades tearing flesh and stealing lives. Magic is clean.  It can leave the innocent unharmed, an advantage which has worked in your favour.' Thor was silent and sullen. 'Well think on it' urged Freya, 'I will send one of the elves to you with food and refreshment. We will speak again later.'

Soon after an elf woman approached carrying a board heaped with new-baked loaves, butter and fresh herbs.  She had a large earthenware jug hooked through her arm. The elf was modestly covered in a simple white gown; the Vans were clearly trying to make their hostages more comfortable. She filled two horn cups with a liquid that looked like ale, Thor took his gratefully and drank it down, then stared at it in surprise. 'This ale, it is sweet!'
The elf giggled, 'It is not ale; it is mead, made from honey.'
'Mead, eh?  It's very good'  he held out the cup for more.
'Beyla makes it, or did while she was here.  I hope she comes back; her bees are pining for her.' The elf sat on the soft springy grass beside them, waiting while they ate. When they were done she cleared away the platters and returned to the Osfolk. 'Would you like to sard now?'

Sigyn laughed unable to help herself. Thor blushed crimson beneath his beard. 'You expect me to copulate in front of that rabble?' He indicated the watchful circle of Vans at the clearing's edge.
'Forgive me' the elf smiled. 'I forgot you Osfolk are shy when it comes to… what do you call it… 'lovemaking'. But should you wish to sard I am available and a mate can be found for your housekeeper too.'  No one had ever accused Thor of being shy before: his hair bristled and sparked.
'It is a kind offer' said Sigyn, 'but not now, we like privacy.'
'I understand' the elf replied.  'I will fetch a game of tables instead.'

She returned soon with a wooden board and a leather bag which rattled. Despite their misgivings the Osfolk watched close and intrigued as she placed bone counters from the bag onto the marked board. 'We call this 'Frey's game' or 'tables'. The game is a battle between the white men with their king and the red men.' Time passed swiftly as Thor and Sigyn struggled to learn the unfamiliar skill, and the three were soon laughing merrily. Sigyn taught the elf the pebble game of her own childhood.  The elf girl called for more mead and the Osfolks' discomfort with the Vans started to lift.

Freya returned to the clearing with the golden haired man with whom she had worked her devastating spells.  He introduced himself as Frey and said 'It is time we made plans.  The Van Mother, Nertha, has come to her holy shrine in answer to our plea. We will take you there and she will advise us on what needs to be done.'

Frey and Freya led the Osfolk down thickly forested slopes to the edge of a lake.  A wide earth road, emerald green with thick moss, stretched out to an island glade. They followed the causeway, its verges thick with rushes and yellow flag. In the centre of the island there was a clearing dominated by a towering oak; two white oxen grazed on the grass. Beneath the great tree a veiled woman sat on a throne of rough limestone.  Two robed elf women sat at her feet counting bundles of rune staves.

'Here is our mother' said Frey 'The great goddesses Nertha. She knows all the secrets of the earth and hears the wisdom whispered by the wind. She will tell you how peace can be wrought between our houses. But before anyone can speak to the goddess, or even look upon her, they must swear to serve her. This is the first law of the Vanfolk.  Those who break it are drowned, here in the holy waters.'
'I cannot swear such an oath' Thor replied.
'Then no peace will be agreed,' said Freya, 'and you will never return to Godhome or Middle Garth. We are not trying to trick you, Os Thor. Any peace must be forged from trust.  So trust me now when I tell you that no harm will come to you or your kin from this.'
'I understand you,' Thor sighed, 'but I cannot swear unlimited obedience to a goddess of whom I have no knowledge. I can swear to show her respect and honour, to listen to her and to aid her if the cause is worthy, but no more. Will this suffice?'
Laughter came from beneath the lady's veil. Frey smiled 'It would appear that Mother Nertha is prepared to accept your compromise. You give your word?'
'I do' Thor replied.
Frey looked at Sigyn.  She nodded 'Yes I agree to that as well.'
'Then come.' Frey led them both before the throne.

Nertha's attendants lifted the goddess's veil over her crown of may blossom. She had a kindly face with piercing eyes and long grey hair, which to Thor was startlingly familiar. 'So, do you know me now boy?'  Nertha asked.  'This woman you claim to have no knowledge of?'' Her voice was also familiar and the baffled thundergod found the answer he was searching for all too easily.  'Jord?'
'Indeed. It would seem your captors have picked a fight with their own kin.'
'What is this?' asked Frey 'Is this Os related to you?'
'He is Frey. I shall explain to you all, for here is the answer to your difficulties.

'Long, long ago I built a great hall in Middle Garth.   I made men and elves from the trees, trolls and ettins from the stones and wood-wights and dwarves from the earth.  They bred and bred and filled the nine worlds.  I made three men from my own blood to serve me. The first was Perun; he was a warrior wild and fierce.  The second was Fjorgynn the wise and the third was dear Njord, the salt loving ship lord. As time passed and the boys grew I took them as lovers and kept their seed within my womb.

'I was wild in those early days, short of temper and a hard mother, wanting my way in all things. This displeased Perun and Fjorgynn. They challenged me. I took the form of a terrible dragon to subdue them and in my rage they were slain. Then a mother's grief tore through me and mellowed my fierce spirit. I withdrew far from the menfolk and left the other realms to my children. Njord stayed loyal and received Elfhome from me.'
'I bore children from the precious seed of my lovers.  Fjorgynn's essence sired the Norns, Frigga, Saga, Sybil, Verdandi, Urd and Skuld.  From Perun came Thor, and from Njord, Frey and Freya.'  

'Then this is excellent news' said Frey. 'We must acknowledge these Osfolk as our own blood and seek a middle ground between our tribes.'

'The Osfolk are not of one blood as the Vans are' Nertha cautioned.  'Some are kin to the ettins of the Outlands.  Odin is of the house of Borr; Heimdal is the offspring of Ran's daughters; Tyr is the child of Hymir and Loki is the son of the ettinwife Laufey.  It is to Thor and the goddesses you must look to for peace, and the others will follow.

'I have spoken to the Norns and unclouded the webs of the past for their eyes to see. They now speak of the godly tribes coming together as one people.  My daughters have already snared Odin and Tyr in wedlock.  A further mating approaches that will draw the ties ever closer.  

Thor was not convinced: 'I cannot see the Osfolk being keen to have close ties to the Vans, we are still having nightmares after Gullveig's pranks.'
'Gullveig is well known for her tricks' replied Nertha. 'Do not judge all the Vanfolk so harshly based on the actions of one.'
Freya sighed, aware of the difficulties ahead 'As Frey says, we must find a middle ground. If our nudity displeases you, let us travel to Godhome wearing clothes like the Osfolk and speak to Thor's people. Will you come with us, Mother Nertha?'
'I will' she replied 'but so that I may speak with the Osfolk freely, I will go as Jord, Thor's mother.'

The Vans made preparations for travelling. Frey's servant Skirnir was sent ahead with Sigyn to arrange a meeting between the Osfolk and the Vans at Urd's Well. The Vanfolk dressed in their best finery and harnessed their finest horses to carved wagons. The procession set off at a sedate pace to the hall of the Norns in the centre of the Nine Worlds.

So the gods met in the glade by the sacred well, the Osfolk on one side, the Vans on the other and in the middle the Norns stood outside their hall. The welfare of the two remaining hostages was confirmed. Beyla, still determinedly unclothed, stood at Loki's side among the frowning and sullen Osfolk.  Nertha stepped forward from among the Vans, she had removed her queenly trappings to resume her more humble identity as Jord. She addressed Odin: 'The Vanfolk have agreed that I may speak on their behalf and also for yourselves if you are willing.  Do you give your consent?'
'You are known to us and well regarded' Odin answered. 'I have no objection.'

Jord asked 'Do any object to the hostages being released to their kin?' Silence followed and the goddess gestured to Beyla and Thor. Beyla ran joyfully and embraced Frey, Freya and old silver haired Njord. Thor stepped beside his mother.

'And now,' added Jord, 'there is something you Osfolk should know. You are aware that Thor is my son and the Norns are my daughters?' The remaining Osfolk nodded, uncertain of her purpose. 'I am also the mother of the Vans.' The men of the Osfolk stared at her, then turned to the Norns who only nodded in confirmation. Jord continued, 'It is my wish and the wish of the Vans that both your houses should live together in peace. The making of this peace is not my concern, for I no longer live among you. Beyla, Thor, you have lived with your new friends, I suggest the two of you take over from here.' Jord turned her back on them and started her journey back to Middle Garth.

Odin was first to recover from the shock 'I refuse to have anything to do with these people and their cowardly witchcraft.'
Freya smiled sweetly 'I could teach you all how to work magic.'
'Magic is not for warriors, it is mere women's trickery.'
'Some of the ettins are not so particular' said Freya. 'They could walk into Godhome as easily as we could and there would be nothing you could do to defend yourselves'.
'She is right' said Loki. 'I think we should agree to her offer.'
'Oh yes' scoffed Odin, 'you have never been worried by perversion have you!?'
'Well I wouldn't mind knowing how she dealt with Thor', said Heimdall. 'She is quite correct: we cannot defend ourselves.'
Tyr stepped forward.  'I do not believe you are even considering this.  They sleep with their own kin, Beyla told me, that is disgusting.'
'Why?' asked Freyr 'Are we mortals that we should worry about such things, it does no harm to us.'
Thor stepped forward losing patience. 'These folk are stronger than we are, like it or not. So why are you judging them so harshly? Freya is offering her knowledge.  They wish to live with us peaceably when they could have taken anything they wanted from us. We need to give in return.' He turned to Freya. 'What do you want from the Osfolk?'
Freya smiled in gratitude, 'I am prepared to stay in Godhome and offer the wisdom of the Vans. I will need a garth of my own and a stead for a hall that I may live in the manner of the Osfolk.'

'That is fair.' agreed Thor.  'I can drain my water meadows for your use.  Do you want anything else?'
'I suggest that one of the Osfolk goes to live among the Vans to teach us your own skills, sword craft, house raising and the working of metal.'
'That is also fair.' Thor addressed the Osfolk: 'Who will live among the Vans?' Odin's friend Hoenir stepped forward and nodded in agreement. Beyla came to Freya's side and whispered in her ear.
The Vanlady smiled 'I have been reminded that you find our openness about…' she paused ' 'lovemaking'… to be disturbing. We will honour your customs in Godhome when we are in your company, though what I do behind the high hedges of my own garth is my own concern. As for our mating between siblings, that has long been our way, and such it will continue. Furthermore you will never again encourage your tribes in Middle Garth to attack ours. That is all.'
'Is this agreed?' asked Thor. The Osfolk voiced their approval with varying enthusiasm.

Four Vans came forward carrying a large soapstone cooking pot.  The smell of honey filled the air. 'And now' said Beyla, 'we shall work some Van magic. To mark our new friendship and the peace between our folk, all present should spit in this pot, that all our essences may be mixed together.' Such customs were also known to the Osfolk when they made bargains so they were happy to take part. All the Osfolk and all the Vans filed past the pot and spat into the honey. Beyla borrowed Mimir's sword and stirred the honey until the spittle was completely mixed in. The Van women chanted and the pot began to glow. A man rose from the pot, his hair and eyes the warm amber of the honey itself. The Norns brought a tunic to him and he pulled it over his gleaming bronze skin to cover his nakedness. He was a fine figure of a man. He opened his mouth and sang:

Hail to the holy, high gods of Osyard
Wassail to the wise, wights of Vanhome
Called am I Kvasir, kettle-born bard
Sprung from spittle, spawn of honeycomb.

Odin came forward and made the new Os welcome and offered him the shelter of his own hall.  Every time Kvasir opened his mouth to speak he poured forth verses.   The peace between the gods was celebrated in Thor's own lofty residence, which would be Freya's home until her own chambers could be built. The Vans beat their drums and shook their rattles as their women danced about the hearth fires. Sigyn, restored to her own domain, busied the hallfolk to carrying platter after platter of choice foods from the kitchens. She noticed that her master was strangely bashful in Freya's presence, and positively reddened when the Vanlady mentioned her duty to teach magic to all the Osfolk. Sigyn grinned: 'that one', she thought, 'will have him dancing to any tune she pleases'.

Thor made good his promise to gift his meadows to his new-found sister.  He worked hard to dig new waterways and hammered in elm piers to shore up the land for building.  The stead was well chosen, being so green and lush on the edge of the marshes of Fenbank.  Thor shaped and carried the pillars for her hall from the wild forests of Middle Earth.  Many hands were willing to finish the hall with Meilli overseeing the plans and the carvings.  In that early tide after the peace Thor rode hard and long on the roads of Outlands, claiming his duties bade him.  Though in truth he sought to avoid the Vanlady's lessons in unmanly arts and the lusty gaze of his sister.

Little is known of the battle between the two houses of gods, the myths tell of it going badly against the Osfolk, of exchanges of the hostages, Freya and Hoenir, and the birth of Kvasir from the spittle of peace, but that is about all.

The Osfolk and Vans seem to represent two different religions which have been combined. This would explain why the deities duplicate one another so closely, especially Freya and Frigg who share many similar attributes, and Frey and Thor both famous fighters of ettins.  The main differences between the households seen in the old myths are the Vans' greater reliance on magic and their brother-sister marriages.  Following the peace Freya teaches the art of magic to all of the Osfolk, a fragment of lore that is often overlooked.  In Vanic lore Freya is the principle goddess and possibly even the most powerful deity; her role as teacher and priestess among the Osfolk is a strong reminder of her power.

The Norse game of tafl, a variant of chess, was once known as Frey's game in Iceland.

Nertha is based on the goddess recorded in the writings of Tacitus, the Roman historian.  I have altered the spelling as he gives her a male name 'Nerthus'.  She was one of the most powerful deities worshipped in north Germania and had links to fertility, lakes and human sacrifice.  She makes an ideal consort for the Vanfolk elder Njord.
© 2012 - 2024 Thorskegga
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Geosammy's avatar
I'm not a mythological scholar nor am I a learnèd scribe.
The lack of kenning within your writings gives it an overall modern feel, which is not to say that it is not well composed.
With the use of kenning, these accounts could be brought into the realm of ancient times and lend the saga a much more authentic old-world impression.

This is not a critique of your work by any means... it's merely a simple observation.
Even so, it is wonderful and I enjoyed it immensely.